Cory Casperson Senior Scholarship
All current BTA swimmers that will be graduating from a Texas high school or Texas home school program are invited to apply for the inaugural 2024 Senior Scholarship in honor of Cory Casperson.
Application Links and Information
Scholarship Application
If you wish to apply for this scholarship, you must be a current BTA member in good standing at the time of application and awarding of this scholarship. It will be awarded during the annual BTA banquet.
Scoring Process
Need more info on how the scholarship scoring process works? Check out the scoring rubric below.
Counselor Verification
Counselors/Home School Administrators, please verify that the application information provided to you by the student is complete and accurate. Please also confirm that he/she will be graduating during the 2023-2024 academic year.
Need help?
If you have question or need help, please send an email to